We do not feature collegiate athletes or persons designed to appeal to those under the age of 21. We place media where most of the audience is reasonably expected to be above the legal age to participate in gaming activity. We advertise responsibly by including a responsible gaming message and/or a toll-free help line number in advertising messaging where practical.
We provide current education to new employees on responsible gaming and provide periodic refresher training. We reserve the right to exclude a patron from gaming without a request from a patron. You may request at any time to be removed from any promotional mailings and for revocation of casino-specific privileges such as access to markers, player card privileges, on-site check cashing and cash services, complimentaries, and gambling promotions. Our pledge to our team members, our guests, and the community is to make responsible gaming an integral part of our daily operations. Lucky Eagle Casino & Hotel complies with this policy for Responsible Gaming as well as regulations issued by the Chehalis Tribal Gaming Agency.